Friday, December 14, 2007


Nowadays movies from across the world floods our cinema's. No matter asean, asian, european or plain ol hollywoddy, our cinema's are pack with people especially tis holiday season. For me, cinema is the best place 2watch a movie. dun care la wat the language is... whether b cantonese, english, tamil, malay, french or japanese or wat evr language in the world for that matter. its a place where people can shut up n enjoy the movie with their frenz or family. But movies nowdays are gettin a bit... hw 2 say it.... FUCKING RETARTED!!! (not all mind u). The last movie i saw in cinema's wud b 30days of night... thank GOD i got a free ticket for dat.. i only wish i saw dat movie with my ol high skool frenz... v cud hv LAUGH during the movie... it was a complete joke... n the ending sux... OMG!! its like they rush da movie... very obvious.... N BEOWULF, thats a major let down.... Judging by the preview n trailer, it wud b fantabulous film... SO NOT!!!... wat a waste of my 5bucks (HEHE, watch it on "malaysian DVD). BUT it was clear.. da storyline sucked major big time.... animaton had a lil flaws but respect to da crew 2make animation to da next level (anjelina Jolie was freakin hot).... seriously, i rather watch indie films (NOT HOME MADE PORN) FROM other countries like jalan berangan( MALAYSIA), and final score(THAILAND)...... Great story line.... cast were superb... wat else cud u ask for.... i miss those ol skool movies like PULP FICTION(1994), AMERICAN HISTORY X(2000), and THE BONE COLLECTOR (1998) or any DENZEL WASHINTON OR EDWARD NORTON MOVIE (EXCEPT THE INSIDER, THAT MOVIE LOST ITS TOUCH) ..... WELL, THATS ALL I GUESS..... havin my exams next week so movies go away come again another day... hullo PDF!!.... lookg 4wrd 2 watch HITMAN, MEET THE SPARTANS n NARNIA THE CHRONICLES: PRINCE CASPIAN... 4 nw then.. peace.... SUPPORT DA MALAYSIAN UNDERGROUND MOVIE... they're much better den the malaysian crap they put on cinema.... HaPPY WATCHIN N SHUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE IN THE CINEMAS, U FUCKING MORONS!!!


Musician Wannabe ♫ said...

yeah, agree. lots of movies are becomin sucky.. and they're makin 1st movie 2nd movie 3rd 4th 5th.. LOL... money makin business !