ALL RITEY... lets see wat i can ryhme in this post without any written material as b4...
listen, my life all in a sudden,
in my headphones blast iron maiden,
im so bored i cud be a sponge,
sit in my room do nothin but lounge,
assignments up 2 head,
damn i rather be dead,
u heard me bitch dats wat i said,
ur life sux u need 2 get laid,
now the music's fade,
ur gf late,
haha gdbye homey, hullo baby,
wat am i saying im going crazy,
move ur ass tits, ur fucking lazy,
taking drugs ur life all hazy,
take any more ull b pushing up daisies,
mayb, ull find a lady,
she might be name sady,
cud turn out 2 b shady,
so u drink 50can of shandy,
wishing ull be drunk before u get candied (it suppose 2 be candy jz angguk kepala buat faham la)
Oh shit, ur soul jz quit,
nw ur lifeless taking shit,
kissing asses and sucking dick,
jz so u cud pay med bills wen ur sick,
hell, imm tired of this game,
im ryhing not for fame,
cz i cant im dat lame,
but i dun care its all the same,
peace im out,
blast ur music till ur parents burn out!!