Monday, January 19, 2009

idiocy of life..

Anyone who drive of ride a bike know taht in kl or selangor (its the same la u idiots.. u live 20mins away), that people drive like maniacs... i dun know where u guys get the license (definitely under table wan), all drive so crazy.. in kuantan, at least u can blink wen u drive, here, u blink n that cud be the end of u... car's from the right lane will cut pass u, no signal, to the left lane which is sumtimes is 5lanes apart... they'll jz cut like dat, no signal n the junction is like 10metres away... how fast must u drive n cut... wat the fuck la life meh?.. no brains ka?..aiyoo... use the road like ur grandfather own the road... mangkuk nyer korang!!!...

anyways... here are some idioms in malay i translate to english... hope its funny...

makan tak kenyang, tido tak lena, mandi tak basah - eat not full, sleep like no sleep, bath but not wet,

mati katak - die frog

main kayu tiga - play wood three

air mata - water eye

selamat jalan - safe walk

nyawa-nyawa ikan - fish live

lipas kudung - crippled cockroach

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year New Post!!

after 14days of the new year baru mau type post.. ini orang banyak suey kan?.. lol....

anyways, here i am.. in college hogging the net since my class starts at 2pm... i went for the Youth09 Battle of the Bands (BTOB) competition.. kinda disapointing really cz we didnt get chosen even for the semi's cz the like 10-12bands that were chosen out of 22bands for the finals suck!! big time!!.. dunno how they choose but wat to do... v jz see only lor.. but lucky the winner was a band worthy a bit la.. very jam band like.. cool.. then had the campur charts thingy.. LOVE ME BUTCH played.. AWESOME>. finally after like 1year, i manage to mosh n scream my lungs out... such a relieved (dat how i calm down btw... well at least i use to.)... den i helped my college pack up their equipment cz they had like a open mic thingy.. We co-op wit doppleganger, sum music/live event organiser.. very good artist show up.. Including Scene At The Movie... they were awesome.. even bout their EP.. cool stuff.....

after all the fun n a good night sleep, returning bek to college after 3weeks holiday, it was like ur floating on air like a bird, den suddenly got show in the ass n u drop to earth.. extreme reality we realise... 3Assignments due... 2 3d assignment and 1 studio acoustic assignment...EXTREME!!!!!...

but it was all cool la.. had a fun day.. nw v hav classes wit mr.Arip, fun guy.... so class isnt dat of a bore...

ok.. malas wan type dy.. oo.. ill b shifting house soon but still looking for a place...