Thursday, November 20, 2008

the bad thing of a long distance relationship

i miss my girl,
she means to me the whole world,
when she's around the whole world goes down in a whirl,
her gazing eyes twinkle like a pearl,
i love her so much,
i promise i will always buy her flowers n the whole bunch,
even a romantic dinner n work break lunch,
definitely not eating captain crunch,
ill giv anythin so she'll be here today,
anything jz so on the beach we cud lay,
in her embrace forever,
this poem might not be clever,
but i wish this can make me feel better,
so far away,
day by day,
i count my day,
till i finally am bek to you in a slow dance we sway...


missX said...

Poetic, wow! Melt your girl's heart! :)